Selected Speaking


'Prepare, Don't Panic for AI' webinar, 2023

House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing 2023

Deepfakes: It's Not What It Looks Like @360 O/S

Trust, Truth and Deepfakes 

Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing 2023

2023 Trust and Safety Professionals Association Opening Keynote: Generative AI, Human Rights, Deepfakes and You

Content Authenticity Initiative Symposium 2023

Deepfakery! In Conversation with Joshua Glick, Dejha Ti and Ania Catherine

MIT Open Doc Lab, 2021

Fortifying the Truth: Resilient witnessing in the face of human rights abuses, distrust and deepfakes

(MIT Bearing Witness Conference Keynote October 2022)

2023 Trusted Media Summit Keynote